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11-th Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Forum for South-East Europe

Scope: energy efficient solutions for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and other manufacturing sectors; bio-, hydro, solar, geothermal and wind energy, waste-to-energy, electric vehicles, etc.

с 11.03.2015 по 13.03.2015

Тип: Конференция, семинар и пр.

Тематики: Электроника, электрооборудование, Безопасность, охрана, Городское хозяйство, ЖКХ, Нефть, газ, топливо, энергетика, Природные ресурсы, экология

Город/Регион: София / Болгария;

Организатор: Via Expo

Площадка: Inter Expo Center

Телефон: 0035932945459

Факс: 0035932960012


Контактное лицо: Maya Kristeva

Cайт: http://viaexpo.com/en/pages/ee-re-exhibition


The 2015 edition will promote the latest energy developments and encourage their large-scale implementation in South-East Europe as well as speed up foreign investment in the regional economy. It is a great networking place for the international and local industry players.

The Exhibition in 2014

Leading companies from Austria, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Greece, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Netherlands and Ukraine showcased products and innovations.
Among the exhibitors were AB Energy Romania, Austep, Biogest Energie- und Wassertechnik, CPM Europe, Dreyer & Bosse, Eqtec, Global Hydro Energy, Hitachi Zosen Inova, Nahtec, Polytechnik Luft-und Feuerungstechnik, Solare Datensysteme, Weiss, etc.
For 5th year in a row there was an Austrian Pavilion, located at a larger exhibition area.
Exhibition index: energy efficient solutions for heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting; bio-, hydro-, solar-, geothermal- and wind energy, waste-to-energy, electric vehicles, etc.

The Conference Highlights in 2014

? District Heating and Cooling in Europe, organized by Euroheat & Power. Speakers presented the ‘Heat Roadmap Europe’, the role of renewables in DHC, energy efficiency measures, etc.
? Renovation and nZEBs Strategies
? Waste-to-Energy - Global and Local Perspectives for New Projects and for Sustainable Economic and Social Development.
? Energy Efficiency – foreign experience in Germany and Turkey.

Участники: Target audience: all decision makers and experts from following sectors: Agriculture; Architecture and Construction; Power Engineering; Renewable Energy and Energy Saving; Automation, Electronics

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