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South-East European Exhibition and Conference on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE & RE)

The EE & RE exhibition is a platform for many local and foreign companies to showcase their eco-friendly solutions for energy production and consumption.

с 27.03.2018 по 29.03.2018

Тип: Выставка

Тематики: Электроника, электрооборудование, Природные ресурсы, экология

Город/Регион: София / Болгария;

Организатор: Via Expo

Площадка: Inter Expo Center

Адрес: 22 Pobeda Str.

Телефон: 0035932512902


Контактное лицо: Ivelina Yordanova

Cайт: http://https://viaexpo.com/en/pages/ee-re-exhibition


The event has the format “exhibition-conference” and is open to visitors from the sectors of automation, energy, construction, engineering, different industry branches, representatives of municipalities and government administration, HVAC, lighting, transport and logistics, etc.

The 2017 edition in brief:
- Collective participation of companies from Italy organized by ICE
- Austrian pavilion, with the promotional support of Advantage Austria
- Direct exhibitors from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, South Korea and Switzerland

The program for the parallel conference will become available on the event website by the end of the year.

Presented solutions: • Energy efficient heating and cooling systems - heat pumps, biomass boilers • Cogeneration plants • Energy from waste • Biogas plants for the food industry and agriculture, waste-water treatment plants • Energy management, audit and consulting • LED lighting • Photovoltaic panels, hybrid systems for autonomous power supply • Equipment for heating, air-conditioning and gas installations • Systems for the production of pellets from wood, straw, sunflower husks, municipal/household waste, etc.

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