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India International Surgical Equipment Expo 2014

India International Surgical Equipment Expo is an attempt to capture this ever growing market of healthcare imaging and provide a platform for surgical equipment companies to introduce their products and innovations besides exchange of experiences and ideas leading to widened and profit oriented investment.

с 02.05.2014 по 04.05.2014

Тип: Выставка

Тематики: Медицина, здравоохранение, фармацевтика

Город/Регион: Гургаон / Индия;

Организатор: Paramount Exhibitors

Площадка: Прагати Майдан, Выставочный Центр

Телефон: Phone : + 91 - 172 - 4699301-02 Mobile : + 91 - 9814211848

Факс: + 91 - 172 - 4699303


Контактное лицо: Dr. Harish Arora

Cайт: http://www.surgicalequipmentexpo.com/


Improved healthcare infrastructure, liberalization and an accelerated growth of industry has led to an increased demand of hospitals, nursing homes, medical and health centers. The demand for surgical equipments has risen in past 2 decades owing to increased health awareness, advancements in equipment design and a rise in infectious diseases. The market for medical equipment in India is valued at Rs 5,750 crores and is expected to grow at around 23% annually for the next few years. Medical equipment are categorized into diagnostic and surgical, with the latter having 55% market share. Unlike other medical equipments market, where the multinationals dominate, a large number of manufacturers exist for surgical instruments.

India International Surgical Equipment Expo is an attempt to capture this ever growing market of healthcare imaging and provide a platform for surgical equipment companies to introduce their products and innovations besides exchange of experiences and ideas leading to widened and profit oriented investment. The event is expected to play a vital role in enhancing the sales & marketing of surgical equipments to the potential buyers.

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